Ⅰ. Personal Information Protection Policy

JFE Group Personal Information Protection Policy

Our company, along with the JFE Group, follows the JFE Group Personal Information Protection Policy displayed on the JFE Holdings, Inc. website, and we strive to conduct our business properly and smoothly.

Ⅱ. Matters Published Based on the Personal Information Protection Law

Our company publicly announces the following matters based on the Personal Information Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as "the Law").

  • 1.About the Purpose of Use

    The purpose of using the personal information we hold is as follows, besides notifying or publishing to the person at the time of acquisition or later:

    Suppliers Purpose Of Use
    Customers For sales and proposal activities related to our products, for various communications related to contract fulfillment, and necessary procedures
    Suppliers and Other Business Partners For inquiries, quotations, and various communications in procurement activities, and for various communications after contract
    Job Applicants For recruitment selection procedures and various communications
    Other Business Partners (Corporations or Individuals) For various communications and procedures related to the execution of our business
  • 2.About Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

    Except as prescribed by law (Article 27 of the Law), our company does not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual.

  • 3.About Joint Use of Personal Information

    The personal information we hold may be jointly used as follows

    Items of personal data to be jointly used Company name, department name, position, name, contact information (address, telephone number, fax number, email address, etc.), and other personal information provided by the individual that is necessary for the transaction
    Scope of joint users Companies of the JFE Engineering Group
    Purpose of use by users
    • To propose and provide appropriate services to customers by the entire JFE Group
    • For business negotiations with business partners in procurement activities, etc.
    Name, address, and representative's name of the person responsible for managing the personal data JFE Project One, Inc.
    Refer to the following for the address and representative's name
  • 4.Safety Management Measures

    Our company formulates rules and regulations related to personal information, conducts regular self-inspections of the processing status of personal information, regular training for employees involved in personal information processing, prevention of theft and loss of devices that process personal information, implementation of access control, and other necessary and appropriate measures for proper management of personal data to prevent leakage, loss, or damage. In addition, our company supervises contractors and employees handling personal information appropriately and takes necessary and appropriate measures when handling personal information overseas, understanding the system for personal information protection in the respective foreign country. For details on the safety management measures taken by our company, please contact the "Inquiry Contact" below. Our responsible department will contact you.

  • 5.About the Procedure for "Requests for Disclosure, etc."

    1.Subject of Disclosure, etc.
    We accept requests as stipulated in Article 37 of the Law.

    ・Article 32, Paragraph 2: Purpose of Use
    ・Article 33, Paragraphs 1 and 5: Disclosure
    ・Article 34, Paragraph 1: Correction, Addition or Deletion
    ・Article 35, Paragraphs 1 and 5: Suspension of Use or Deletion
    ・Article 35, Paragraphs 3 and 5: Suspension of Provision to Third Parties

    2.Contact for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
    As a general rule, please make requests to the responsible person at our company who you provided your personal information.
    If you are unsure, please contact the "Inquiry Contact" below. Our responsible department will contact you.

    3.Documents to be submitted for the request
    After your request, we will send you the documents to be submitted.
    If a representative makes the request, necessary documents, including a letter of attorney, must be submitted.

    [Reference] The request procedure follows the flow below
    A) Submitting the request for disclosure, etc.
    B) Guidance on request-related documents from our company
    C) Payment of fees to our company (only for applicable requests)
    D) Sending request documents to our company
    E) Confirmation from our company (if necessary)
    F) Response from our company

    4.Fees for the Request
    For requests for "Purpose of Use" and "Disclosure," a fee of 1,000 yen per case is required. Actual expenses such as transfer fees associated with the payment are to be borne by the person themselves.

  • 6.Contact for Complaints

    For complaints, please contact the "Inquiry Contact" below.

  • 7.About Acquisition of Access Logs

    When you access our URL, information about the person who accessed it is recorded in the form of an access log. Access logs are utilized by our company to provide better services to customers, but are not used for any other purpose.

  • 8.Inquiry Contact

    For inquiries about this page, please contact us.
    For the name, address, and representative's name of our company and other details, please refer to"Company Overview"